Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Point of No Return

I fear that we, as a nation, are heading towards an end.  I was listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day and he mentioned that America was reaching a point where it would no longer exist in the sense of being as the Founders intended it to be.  He clarified that he meant culturally; that America would always exist in some form.  Why is that a certainty?

Many great empires and civilizations that were thought to be invincible and eternal faltered and collapsed, such as the Roman  and Persian Empires.  The fall of the Persians came after a unrelenting assault by Alexander the Great, but not before the Persian leadership had taxed their citizenry to the brink of ruin.  Though there is no clear consensus on exactly what caused the collapse of the Roman Empire, most speculate that a combination of governmental excess resulting in economic and moral decline.  It seems as though, historically, most empires fell due to governmental incompetence/corruption and the inability to defend themselves from aggressors.  With the current state of our government, civilian unrest, and weakening military strength, we are right on track to fitting the mold.

Let's look at what the history books, in my opinion, will say about the collapse of the once great United States of America.  They will speak of the once great America; the model of freedom and prosperity around the world.  Then the decline began with government over-inflation and excessive federal spending that brought the economy to a unrecoverable state.  Government "welfare" programs systematically eliminated the drive to work hard for what you want/need from generations of Americans.  The nanny state provided all and produced a compliant constituency that bowed to the whims of the political elite.  However, due to the unproductive masses many major cities were forced to file bankruptcy and more businesses fled overseas.  Military spending cuts increased to the point that manpower could not meet production needs and the might of the US Armed Forces was reduced to a shadow of its former self.  These factors led certain allies to disassociate themselves with the US.  One of the country's staunchest allies, Israel, completely cut ties following repeated admonishments and opposition pandering from governmental leaders.  With no true allied presence in the Middle East and no firm military action, the once manageable Islamic State grew, unchecked, into a massive force comprising the majority of unstable or weak Middle East countries including Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, and Jordan.  They then worked with Iran and Hamas to launch a full scale offensive against Israel. 

With the invasion of Alaska (to which the administration has offered threats of sanctions and precision drone strikes) and the construction of the Putin-Lenin pipeline, Russia became the energy superpower of the world.  With the boost in the Russian economy, Moscow increased their military budget and began construction of new carriers and submarines.  The revitalized Bear launched a massive offensive acquisition campaign, reclaiming all of the former USSR countries.  The US denounced these actions as barbaric and uncivilized.  The majority of  the EU, now fully under the oil and natural gas control of Russia, remained neutral and silent.  An alliance between Russia and China further solidified the standing of both in the region.  The combined forces then began absorbing neighboring countries through the threat of force or actual use thereof.  After the fall of Japan, US presence in Southeast Asia was practically completely eliminated. 

Forced into isolationism, the state of America rapidly deteriorated.  With most major businesses having fled the country, there were very few manufacturing facilities still in operation.  Embargoes and sanctions from former allies and the enemies that now controlled them reduced the importation of goods to a trickle.  Thanks to excessive EPA regulation, many American farms were forced to close.  This created a massive food shortage, especially in heavily populated urban areas.  The ensuing riots killed thousands and caused billions of dollars in property damage.  The weakened America was then invaded by the Russia/China/Korea coalition.  Due to gun confiscation laws finally making it through Congress and the Supreme Court, the American people were defenseless against the RCK.  The country was divided into three parts and the American people were placed into "re-education" camps for up to three years.  Once reintroduced into society, they were assigned a lifetime occupation and a government number.  New Moscow (formerly Washington D.C.) is now the headquarters of the Worldwide Socialist Party.  They hold annual meetings in the former White House.

This may be far fetched and a little Orwellian, but it might happen.  Why must America always exist? 
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."- Benjamin Franklin
This great nation is heading down a dangerous path.  The path of soft resolve and wavering action against enemies, foreign and domestic, for the sake of a little peace and quiet.  Betraying those who do the hard work of the country for a warm feeling of self righteousness.  Letting the President become so much like the King our forefathers once fought against for the promises of free handouts.  The handouts aren't free and neither is freedom.  Let America shine as the beacon of liberty and rightness that it once was or risk watching it fade into the shadows of history.  I want America to exist as more than just words on a page. 

-C.J. Johnston


1 comment:

  1. All valid points and certainly a possibility or maybe even a probability. I was buoyed by the last election that brings some additional conservationism to the Congress - I hope its not too late to right the ship.
