Monday, June 12, 2017

Protesting the Protests

               The recent marches, protests and rallies against President Trump have given me a few revelations in regards to the practice of “protesting”.  First: Most modern day protests are irrelevant.  Not because the protesters opinions are unimportant, though sometimes they are, but because the protesters themselves have no value to those they are protesting against.  Those protesting President Trump, for example, are not people who voted for him or people who can actually influence policy.  Labor strikes are negotiated and compromise is made because the laborers are necessary for the profit of the company.  Those protests matter.  A bunch of jobless students, professors and other liberal nuts that are not influential in politics…not so much.  They are also irrelevant because the same people keep protesting after they have already achieved what they were originally protesting for.  Take the LGBTQXYZ community for example.  They have achieved all of their original goals of equality, acceptance and marriage.  So why are there still marches? 

                Second: Most activists think that if they shout, chant, march and hold up signs then they will get their way.  I’m sorry to say that is a childish mindset and downright disappointing that an adult would actually think that way.  Without any of the above mentioned value, you are only impeding traffic and making no real progress.  Protestors make for a few good sound bites for the MSM, but at the end of the day the train keeps rolling.  Just look at the pipelines.  Thousands of picketers and squatters and they are still going up.  All of the “Resistance” marching ad nauseum against the President and guess what?  He’s still the President.  Protest without adequate force or a valuable bargaining chip is just whining.  If you are going to whine, please don’t make me late for work because of it.

                Third: The progression of protest is stuck at the first stage.  Before I start this point I want to make it clear that I am neither advocating nor condoning violence.  I am merely writing this as a point of logical thought.  The natural progression of protest begins with the demonstrations, marches, rallies, etc.  When the voices of the people are unheeded, the movement progresses to a resistance of action.  This is usually marked by applications of violence, sabotage, vandalism, etc.  If acquiescence to demands is not met, then a full blown revolution is the final stage.  Civil war, coup d’état, regime change; whatever you call it, it results in a change of governance and culture.  Most today would call this terrorism, but this is the course of events that led to the birth of our country.  Protesters marching in the streets in today’s society lack the fortitude to engage in such acts and are therefore stuck at the first stage, occasionally dipping a toe into the second.  If the change you desire hasn’t happened after the first two or three protests, the first stage isn’t going to cut it.

                American protesters are lucky, though.  They can march and march until their feet fall off and no one will bat an eye.  However, the citizens of Russia are having a harder time of it.  Russians (largely teenagers) protesting the rule of “President” Putin are being arrested in droves for unauthorized protesting.  Could you imagine if protests against Trump were met with hundreds of arrests for unauthorized protesting?  Why, there would be protests against the arrest of protesters.  The difference between the Russian and American protesters is that the Russians are protesting against actual tyranny and oppression; the Americans are manufacturing causes to protest against.  The American Left is not oppressed, persecuted, suppressed, abused or any other imagined offense.  They are simply bored and have a need to feel important, even when they aren’t.          

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Hashtag Sheep

The recent attack on London was horrific.  It was a terrible act committed by terrible people.  It was also a glaring failure of leadership by European politicians as a whole.  They encouraged acceptance of un-vetted migrants for the sake of political correctness and the appeasement of liberal, bleeding-heart voters.  They invited wolves into the fold and everyone is shocked when they kill a few sheep. 

     But what do the sheep do when the wolves attack?  They defend the wolves and call the shepherds racists.  For too long now the liberal left has been unwilling to accept any narrative or evidence that runs contrary to their agenda.  Islamist terrorist attack after Islamist terrorist attack ad infinium and they still claim that the perpetrators aren’t Muslim.  I’m sorry but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and kills while reciting passages from the Quran, it might be a Muslim duck.  Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all recent terror attacks are committed by Muslims. 

     It’s amazing how people online were defending the “real” Muslims before the attack was even labeled as a terrorist attack.  Why can’t people just be honest?  Or is it that liberal society has so conditioned us to be accepting of those who wish to do us harm.  Society also refuses to demand condemnation from so-called peaceful mosques and imams.  I can tell you that if a group of Christians were committing these atrocities in the name of Jesus, every preacher and priest across the globe would be renouncing them and disavowing them.  The response from the Muslim community is token, at best. 

     Why do the people of the Western world think that “standing in unity”, crying for peace and lighting candles will deter these attacks?  To the jihadi, these acts are weakness and simply encourage more of the same.  They don’t care that you defend the Muslim faith every time they kill in the name of Allah.  They don’t care that you changed your profile pic to a flag.  They certainly don’t care that you “stand strong” while not actually doing anything to defend yourselves.  Until you literally fight back, then you are a victim waiting for your turn.  Jihad is a holy WAR.  It doesn’t get solved with hashtags.