Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Point of No Return

I fear that we, as a nation, are heading towards an end.  I was listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day and he mentioned that America was reaching a point where it would no longer exist in the sense of being as the Founders intended it to be.  He clarified that he meant culturally; that America would always exist in some form.  Why is that a certainty?

Many great empires and civilizations that were thought to be invincible and eternal faltered and collapsed, such as the Roman  and Persian Empires.  The fall of the Persians came after a unrelenting assault by Alexander the Great, but not before the Persian leadership had taxed their citizenry to the brink of ruin.  Though there is no clear consensus on exactly what caused the collapse of the Roman Empire, most speculate that a combination of governmental excess resulting in economic and moral decline.  It seems as though, historically, most empires fell due to governmental incompetence/corruption and the inability to defend themselves from aggressors.  With the current state of our government, civilian unrest, and weakening military strength, we are right on track to fitting the mold.

Let's look at what the history books, in my opinion, will say about the collapse of the once great United States of America.  They will speak of the once great America; the model of freedom and prosperity around the world.  Then the decline began with government over-inflation and excessive federal spending that brought the economy to a unrecoverable state.  Government "welfare" programs systematically eliminated the drive to work hard for what you want/need from generations of Americans.  The nanny state provided all and produced a compliant constituency that bowed to the whims of the political elite.  However, due to the unproductive masses many major cities were forced to file bankruptcy and more businesses fled overseas.  Military spending cuts increased to the point that manpower could not meet production needs and the might of the US Armed Forces was reduced to a shadow of its former self.  These factors led certain allies to disassociate themselves with the US.  One of the country's staunchest allies, Israel, completely cut ties following repeated admonishments and opposition pandering from governmental leaders.  With no true allied presence in the Middle East and no firm military action, the once manageable Islamic State grew, unchecked, into a massive force comprising the majority of unstable or weak Middle East countries including Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, and Jordan.  They then worked with Iran and Hamas to launch a full scale offensive against Israel. 

With the invasion of Alaska (to which the administration has offered threats of sanctions and precision drone strikes) and the construction of the Putin-Lenin pipeline, Russia became the energy superpower of the world.  With the boost in the Russian economy, Moscow increased their military budget and began construction of new carriers and submarines.  The revitalized Bear launched a massive offensive acquisition campaign, reclaiming all of the former USSR countries.  The US denounced these actions as barbaric and uncivilized.  The majority of  the EU, now fully under the oil and natural gas control of Russia, remained neutral and silent.  An alliance between Russia and China further solidified the standing of both in the region.  The combined forces then began absorbing neighboring countries through the threat of force or actual use thereof.  After the fall of Japan, US presence in Southeast Asia was practically completely eliminated. 

Forced into isolationism, the state of America rapidly deteriorated.  With most major businesses having fled the country, there were very few manufacturing facilities still in operation.  Embargoes and sanctions from former allies and the enemies that now controlled them reduced the importation of goods to a trickle.  Thanks to excessive EPA regulation, many American farms were forced to close.  This created a massive food shortage, especially in heavily populated urban areas.  The ensuing riots killed thousands and caused billions of dollars in property damage.  The weakened America was then invaded by the Russia/China/Korea coalition.  Due to gun confiscation laws finally making it through Congress and the Supreme Court, the American people were defenseless against the RCK.  The country was divided into three parts and the American people were placed into "re-education" camps for up to three years.  Once reintroduced into society, they were assigned a lifetime occupation and a government number.  New Moscow (formerly Washington D.C.) is now the headquarters of the Worldwide Socialist Party.  They hold annual meetings in the former White House.

This may be far fetched and a little Orwellian, but it might happen.  Why must America always exist? 
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."- Benjamin Franklin
This great nation is heading down a dangerous path.  The path of soft resolve and wavering action against enemies, foreign and domestic, for the sake of a little peace and quiet.  Betraying those who do the hard work of the country for a warm feeling of self righteousness.  Letting the President become so much like the King our forefathers once fought against for the promises of free handouts.  The handouts aren't free and neither is freedom.  Let America shine as the beacon of liberty and rightness that it once was or risk watching it fade into the shadows of history.  I want America to exist as more than just words on a page. 

-C.J. Johnston


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lone Wolf Proclaimers are Sheep

The media is all abuzz with reports of "lone wolf" terrorist attacks.  These are attacks that are supposedly organized and carried out by individuals, as opposed to large scale, multi-member group attacks.  Some recent examples are the hostage crisis in Sydney, Australia, the NY hatchet attack, and the Canada Parliament shooting.  Some say that these attacks aren't associated with any particular terrorist group; that these attacks are perpetrated by self-radicalized extremists.  However, all of these attacks share a common denominator.  The recent attacks are all committed by Muslims.

I am not trying to paint every Muslim as a terrorist waiting for an opportunity, but the fact is that these acts of violence have been committed in the name of Allah, in support of ISIS, to support the jihad, etc.  This spike in lone wolf attacks follows social media posts from ISIS leaders calling for more attacks on US and allied military personnel and civilians.  So the question is why are so many politicians, like Australia's PM Tony Abbot, so reticent to call this what it is?  It is ISIS directed Islamic terrorism.  The terrorist in Sydney held up an ISIS flag in the window of the shop.  Yet Mr. Abbot wants to say that the attack, and ISIS for that matter, has nothing to do with any religion.  According to the PM, ISIS and the hostage taker are just sick individuals doing sick things.  These types of "head in the sand" politicians are the reason we are seeing these lone wolf attacks on our shores.

Politicians who are more concerned with not ruffling any feathers instead of national security.  Political correctness and lackluster foreign policy are the greatest threats to the free world.  They allows groups like ISIS to grow to numbers in the upwards of 31,000 fighters, according to CIA estimates in September.  This large following has only bolstered their reputation and made them that much more influential.  Allowing them to continue to grow by refusing to put boots on the ground to eradicate the threat only emboldens them in their actions.  These actions include beheadings of civilians (both foreign and domestic), public mass executions, brainwashing and torture of children, and encouraging foreign Muslims to join the fight by killing any non-Muslim they see.  We have given them the power of influence by doing nothing. 

There are approximately 2.7 million Muslims in the US.  They are not all terrorists.  I've worked with some and they are great people.  Some of them serve in the military fighting against those who are giving their religion a bad name.  However, some of them do not love the United States.  Some see the videos of ISIS and are moved by what they see and here.  These people take action and innocent people die.  If only .25%, a quarter of 1 percent, of Muslims in America decided to "radicalize", they would number approximately 6,750.  Thus far, we have only seen basic attacks using small arms and melee weapons.  Even using these tactics, 6,750 attacks in this manner would be devastating.  How about if they learned to make explosives from the English-language ISIS publication Inspire?  What would be the effect of 6,750 Boston Marathon bombings? 

"Peace through strength" is an ancient phrase and idea that has been promoted by great leaders throughout history.  One such leader is Ronald Reagan.  He understood that to deter attacks on Americans and American soil, the courage and ability to destroy those who would do us harm was needed.  Teddy Roosevelt coined a similar phrase; "Speak softly and carry a big stick."  This meant that we would negotiate peacefully, but it was always known that the "big stick" of the military was there should anyone get out of line.  These policies protected the United States and solidified our influence in the world.  Unfortunately, our current leadership has whittled the big stick into a toothpick and adopted the peace through pandering approach.  Until we reassume the policies that kept us strong and safe and stop tiptoeing around going to where the bad guys are, this pack of "lone wolves" will continue circling the flock of sheep while the O-shepherd is playing golf.

-C.J. Johnston            

Monday, December 15, 2014

Plain Language Legislation

Recent news has been spouting off figures from the new Congressional spending bill.  There have been reports of compromises on both sides of the aisle and of unhappy Congressmen.  I have read some of the articles with excerpts and figures from the bill, but I wanted to do my own research.  What I found was quite disturbing.  It wasn't excessive amounts of money poured into meaningless programs, though I'm sure there was plenty of that in there.  It was the way the document was written that I found the most appalling.

I do not have a college education, let alone the legal training necessary to cypher through the quagmire that is HR 83.  That being said, I do not think of myself as unintelligent nor illiterate.  I found a link to the full text of the bill via Google and www.gpo.gov and what I found was a document written almost entirely in "legalspeak".  Legalspeak is the term I like to use for the English-based language of the law that is utterly unintelligible by those who have not been to law school.  I managed to make it through about 35 pages before finally throwing in the towel.  The thought running through my head was, "This may as well be Latin." 

This notion brought up thoughts of history in relation to Latin and obfuscation.  The Roman Catholic Church is marred by historical corruption, most notably around the 13th to 15th centuries.  These practices helped lead to the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther.  Practices such as indulgences, or the purchase of absolution of sins, were made possible because the common, uneducated man and woman could not read the Bible.  If they could, they would know that salvation could only be obtained through the admission of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ.  Instead, they relied on the Church to translate the Latin Bible and tell them what was written.  Man is imperfect and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Some members of the Church took advantage of this and fleeced the commoners in favor of monetary wealth.

Much like the Latin Bible, only those learned in legal verse (or at least better educated than myself) can translate the confusing text of the bill.  Why is it necessary to make it hard to understand?  This instantly raises flags for me.  Is there something in the bill that the common man should not see?  This opacity is concerning to say the least.  The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights are all written in the plain language of the time.  This was done so that every American citizen could read it and know what was going on.  This 1,603 page monstrosity is not so forthcoming.

I would like to ask all who happen to read this article to write your Representatives and Senators and demand that they pass legislation requiring all further legislation be written in plain language.  The American people should be able to read for themselves what laws are being created and where their taxes are going.  Requiring a translation of legislation being passed means that "We the People" are no longer in control of our government, but instead ruled by it.  Remember that those in Congress enjoy their power and privilege because we put them there.  Don't let them take advantage of our generosity.

-C.J. Johnston  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bleeding Hearts Ignore Bleeding Children

While Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) admonishes American interrogation practices and endangers American lives by releasing a detailed report of CIA enhanced interrogation techniques, ISIS is using true torture and involving children in its evil machinations.  Where is the Senate “shame on you” report addressing this current issue?
It has been reported numerous times that ISIS militants have been executing Christians and those who are not the “right kind of Islamic”.  They have accomplished these atrocities through beheadings, crucifixions, execution-style shootings, and torture.  Not acting out against these acts is the “true stain on our values and our history”.  The world and history will not remember that we used waterboarding and sleep deprivation in the hunt for actionable information to protect national security.  They will remember, however, how the US let the Islamic State commit horrors on men, women, and children with impunity.  They will remember how we as a nation were focused on imaginary racism, idiotic MIT professors, narcissistic Presidential interviews, and bad journalism on a manufactured rape case instead of dealing with the largest threat to the world since the Axis Powers and Cold War Russia.
ISIS has begun “educating” the children in conquered territory on how to be the best Muslim you can be.  They have started doing this by creating a “School of Jihad”, according to reports from The Independent and Breitbart News.  In this “educational forum”, young Muslims (some younger than 10) are shown videos of beheadings and torture of “infidels” and taught small arms marksmanship with AK-47’s.  These “Cubs of ISIS”, as they have been dubbed by the militant group, will most likely be sent to conflict areas in a combatant or auxiliary capacity.  Either way, this is a clear violation of Human Rights and human decency.

In March, there was an article in Al-Monitor of an interview with a Syrian rebel fighter who had been captured and tortured by ISIS.  His torture included confinement with beheaded and rotting corpses, repeated floggings with sticks while being hung by his feet, and being forced to watch the brutal (and fatal) beating of a cellmate.  Shortly before his rescue, the ISIS fighters gave him extra provisions and told him, “May God protect you if we never come back” as they locked his cell door and left for battle.  Another case of similar inhumanity is the capture, torture, and eventual execution of American journalists James Foley and Joel Sotloff.  These men were held and tortured by ISIS and when a rescue attempt by American forces failed, the extremists released Youtube videos of the executions.

The worst act I have found amidst all of the repulsive deeds of ISIS is the recent accusations by Canon Andrew White, a British vicar in Iraq, in which ISIS has beheaded four Christian children for refusing to convert to Islam.  According to a report in The Independent, the priest said that the ISIS members ordered the children to say that they “will follow Mohammed.”  They children replied that they could not because they follow and love Jesus.  They were told again to say the words and when they refused they were beheaded.

While we are concerned with aggressive interrogation that happened years ago, there are real and violent crimes happening now.  We must stop playing politics and trying to look like the good guys and actually go be the good guys.  ISIS is not going to wake up tomorrow and decide they don’t want to kill innocents anymore.  It is going to take the true might of American power striking down on them like a hammer of justice.  Not just words from a Senator looking to stir the political pot.


-C.J. Johnston          

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

No Friends on the Playground

Reports have come out stating the Obama administration has been mulling over imposing sanctions on Israel for construction in East Jerusalem.  Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for the State Department, has recently said that these rumors are "unfounded and without merit".  This is only after a group of approximately 50 Congressmen sent a letter to the White House demanding clarification on the supposed sanctions.  Their concern is understandable due to the administration's open condemnation of the Israeli construction projects.  On this issue our leadership has sided with the enemy of our ally, the Palestinians.

The Palestinians claim that the area under construction belongs to them.  Israel laid claim to this area following the Six Day War in 1967, in which Israel fought against the forces of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.  These conflicting opinions are one of the primary causes of the long animosity between these two peoples.  In July, tensions exploded between Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, and Israel.  Three Israeli teenagers were reportedly killed by members of Hamas in the West Bank area, leading to an Israeli crackdown on Hamas activities there.  This prompted rocket fire from Hamas forces in Gaza, which lead to a swift and powerful retaliation by Israel.  The administration gave token verbal support, but also made speeches about protecting innocent Gaza civilians.  What about protecting the innocent Israeli civilians who have consistently supported America throughout the years?

The biggest problem, in my opinion, that comes out of these two incidents (three if you include the Ukraine debacle) is that this presents an example to the world of how the US treats its allies.  When our allies are getting attacked, both physically and politically, we should be there to back them up, both physically and politically.  When one of our oldest allies is fighting against a State Department designated terror group, we should be shoulder to shoulder with them fighting terrorism.  Instead, this administration tries to placate the terrorists and work out cease-fire agreements; essentially, negotiations with terrorists.

Now, the leadership in this country is possibly risking our ties with the one true democracy in the Middle East over civilian housing construction.  If we had not already experienced so much of this administrations feckless "foreign policy" I would think it was a joke.  Instead of admonishing Israel for building in an area that is contested territory, shouldn't we praise them for creating a greater quality of life for their citizens?  As Israel continues to receive attacks from Palestinians, including the recent attack in November inside a Jerusalem temple which found 3 Americans dead, Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli lawmakers have shown great leadership by dismantling Knesset, the Israeli parliament, and holding elections.  These are the people that are being reprimanded by our over-inflated bureaucratic monstrosity?  With the way we treat our allies, we are very soon going to wind up alone on the playground.  Who will have our back when the bullies (terrorists) decide they want to play in our sandbox?

-C.J. Johnston


Monday, December 8, 2014

Jesus Crackers, Unicorn Clouds, and Race Baiting

    What do Jesus' face on a cracker, seeing a unicorn shape in a cloud, and race baiting all have in common?  Nobody will see the same thing until someone else points it out.  You know what I'm talking about.

"Hey whose face do you see on this cracker?"
"Oh...it's the Fonz!"
"It's Jesus.  See...there is his beard and his crown of thorns."
"I see it now.  That must be a miracle."

    Same thing goes with cloud shapes and the same thing goes with most modern-day instances of media covered racism.  I'm not trying to say that there is no such thing as racism; simply that the majority of what is covered by the MSM is "manufactured racism".  Most Americans would look at the "police violence against blacks" cases that are currently infecting their TV screens and would see nothing wrong with the situation.  This is a cop taking down a resisting criminal.  I've seen hundreds of scenes just like those on the show "COPS".  Where is the outrage and protest for the poor black men getting slammed into the pavement on the show?  There isn't any, and shouldn't be, because these are officers doing what they have to do to end the potentially dangerous situation quickly.  It's not until "Reverend" Al and his ilk go pointing out the "cloud shaped like a puppy" that people even go, "This seems a bit racist." 

    People need to understand that Sharpton and Jackson are only reverends in the Church of Hate and Divisiveness.  They are, in fact, more racist then half of the whites they accuse.  Al Sharpton has been caught, on camera even, using racial slurs and bigoted remarks such as "diamond merchants" as a reference to Jews and referring to Greek philosophers as "Greek homos".  How many times did Darren Wilson use a racial slur?  How about Daniel Pantaleo?  I'm sure if they had ever made any comments to that effect, MSNBC would have let us know 5 times a day; every day.  It boils down to people in positions of influence saying, "Don't you see how you are victims?" and the people responding with "Yes...I do now". 

    A colleague of mine once said, in regards to the Ferguson riots, "Sometimes people are just looking for a reason to break things and act the fool."  I think this is very true.  Without the incendiary remarks of a few irresponsible "activists" looking to stay relevant and create ratings, I think these incidents would have gone differently.  Families and communities would have mourned, and honored the life and memory of their beloved.  Instead, these men have had their deaths and memories turned into a sideshow act by those who saw Jesus on a cracker and wanted everyone else to see the same thing.

- C.J. Johnston         

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Serve to Stay- Immigration reform that actually solves problems.

     I was watching the movie "Gangs of New York" last night and there was a part that really stood out for me.  It was a scene involving Irish immigrants arriving in America.  They were immediately greeted with smiling politicians looking to secure a new voter constituency and two pieces of paper.  One was to make the immigrants US citizens; the other was an enlistment contract in the Union Army.  This got me thinking.  Instead of just giving away citizenship to lawbreakers for free (let's get real, we all know that is where it is headed), why don't we offer them a choice.  Enlist in the military, if eligible, for a 4 year term and become a citizen or get deported. 

    I'm sure there are some who would have a problem with this method, but hear me out.  We have enemies in countries all over the world that need to be dealt with.  With a multi-million troop influx, our forces could go to all the areas of conflict and clean house.  It will give a better understanding to the "new citizens" of what it means to fight for freedom. 

    The next benefit from this method of "naturalization" would be that a large portion of the immigrant community would immediately become productive citizens.  Rather, then having a large majority of them signing up for government "assistance" programs such as welfare, WIC, etc. they would gain employment and benefits for the entire family.  They would also gain useful skills that could be applied to the civilian sector if they decided to get out at the end of their enlistment.  They would also gain educational benefits that would help pay for a college education.    

    This plan should work politically for both sides of the aisle.  The Dems and GOP can both make the claim of working together to ensure the immigrant population gets to stay in the US.  The right should be placated by the idea that only those who truly love America are staying.  No one will risk going to war and dying for a country they don't love.  The left will brag about job creation and for once it will be kind of true.  Wins all around and the only one unhappy might be President Obama, mostly because it wasn't his idea.

    To make this work, however, would require significant government shrinkage and budget adjustments.  Defunding overly large DC bureaucracies such as BLM, IRS, DHS, Dept. of Education, and especially the offensively empowered EPA, would make apply funding to the DoD much more plausible.  Passing flat-tax legislation would practically eliminate the need for the IRS and encourage more businesses to come back to/remain in America.  This would create more jobs, more spending, and eventually more revenue.  Returning much of this bureaucratic power back to the states would be a large step in the right direction. 

    Those out there who would say that this immigration plan is unfair to the immigrants have obviously never served.  For those who have served, they understand what it means to sacrifice for their country.  Everything from missing births and baby firsts, unattended funerals and weddings of loved ones, to the ultimate sacrifice have been experienced and paid by our Service members.  Why is it too much to ask the same of those who have been enjoying freedoms they did not fight for and took advantage of them by breaking the law?  They should want to put on the uniform and stand proudly with the modern day heroes that have sacrificed so much. 

-C.J. Johnston

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Terror Alert Gone Silent

    There has been a lot going on domestically in the news in the past couple of weeks.  So much, in fact, that it has seemingly overshadowed external issues that will affect America if not handled properly.  There has been token coverage of ISIS and other Middle Eastern news, but not nearly enough.   Some may argue that this is a play by the generally leftist media to cover up for President Obama's foreign policy ineptitude.  Others would say that the issue of police violence against minorities trumps everything else.  I say, "Just give me the news...now, please."  So, after digging around the less popular sections of various news sites, I've managed to glean a modicum of information regarding the topics at hand.

    In September, reports came out about ISIS and Al-Qaida, specifically the Nusra Front, forming a sort-of alliance.  ISIS and Nusra have been fighting against each other in Syria for a while now, conflicting views on who has the baddest jihadists on the block being the primary motivator.  Recently though, it seems as though the old adage of "enemy of my enemy is my friend" holds true.  They have apparently decided to work together, temporarily of course, to eliminate the Kurdish rebel forces, who are backed by the US.  The biggest threat here, in my opinion, is that the two groups decide they actually like hanging out and make a permanent merger.  This would bolster their ranks, making them into a force that would dwarf anything our troops saw while fighting in Iraq.  Looks like the so called "jayvee" teams decided to jump straight into the NBA playoffs.  I wish I could ask the President what it feels like to be wrong so often.  I am married so I have a slight understanding.

    Another miss from this Administration is the air strike plan against ISIS.  I love technology, especially military tech, but all the gadgetry in the world isn't going to "decimate" an enemy on their home turf.  Especially an enemy as amoebic as ISIS.  Successful Presidents have understood that there are times where you have to risk the lives of US Service members to accomplish a mission, help an ally, or secure freedom and democracy around the world.  Folks in the military understand this.  It's part of the job they willingly signed up for.  Having the backbone to risk lives to protect national interests is a part of the President's job.  Sometimes it seems like President Obama took the job without reading the contract.  PotUS is not a job at Wal-Mart you can just figure out as you go.  It requires honor, courage, commitment, and competence.  Obama seems to be 0 for 4.

   I am a little unsettled with Iran's recent "assistance" in the fight against ISIS.  I'm sure the left will say "See...Iran's not so bad!", but I can't help but go through a possible litany of ulterior motives behind the move.  I immediately go to placation as motive number one.  Iran "helps" take out some of those extreme ISIS guys, America and the UN decide the Iranian government is decent enough to be trusted with a nuclear program.  Sanctions are lifted and bombs are developed.  Motive two:  Eliminating the competition for title of number one jihadists.  ISIS has been gaining a huge following from all over the Middle East.  Hamas needs its own terrorists for the fight against Israel and the West and by eliminating ISIS, it can display strength and show that they are the organization all terrorists need to join.  Whatever the motive behind this recent action by Iran, I don't trust it.  Hopefully, US leaders don't jump the gun and buddy up with Iran before the intelligence community has a time to do their jobs.

    There is an American who has been in Yemen for over a year.  The thing is, he hasn't been there because he wants to be.  He has been held hostage by Al-Qaida.  His name is Luke Sommers, a photojournalist who was snatched off the street in September of 2013.  A covert rescue mission last month between Yemeni and US Special Forces to rescue hostages recovered 8 captives, but Mr. Sommers had already been moved.  A video was released by the terrorist group with Mr. Sommers asking for help and stating he believed his life was in danger.  The terrorists gave a 3 day deadline to meet their demands before they executed Luke.  They did not specify their demands, saying simply "The US government knows what we want." The US and Yemeni forces attempted a second rescue attempt on Friday.  Unfortunately, Mr. Sommers and South African citizen Pierre Korkie were wounded during the fight and died of their wounds.  While it is commendable that the US sent troops in to rescue this man, why did it take over a year?  This was not a combatant captured by enemy forces during battle.  He was a journalist who was kidnapped while walking down the street.  Al Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the terrorist branch who committed this crime, is one of the most dangerous of the Al Qaida cells.  They have perpetrated numerous attacks on the US homeland including attempted airplane bombings, explosive laden packages, and mortar attacks on US embassies.  If this group is as bad as the reports say they are, why have we not talked to the Yemeni government about sending troops in to "decimate Al Qaida and get them on the run".  Maybe the President is full and doesn't want to have to eat his words.

    The US is "baffled" as to why Nigeria canceled training exercises with US forces.  The exercises were to train Nigerian forces to battle against Boko Haram, the terrorist group that kidnapped 276 schoolgirls in April.  The Nigerian government has offered no explanation to the cancelation and the US is mum on speculations.  I have a speculation, though.  The Nigerian government sees how we treat allies like Israel and Ukraine during their time of need and they are afraid.  If they go against the ruthless Boko Haram and start losing, what will the US do?  We will launch a few "targeted strikes" from drones and feel good about doing our part.  Meanwhile, the terrorists will behead or shoot men women and children and feel good that their "martyrs" died fighting Western influence.  However, if the Nigerian government cuts ties with the US and negotiates with the terrorists, they may avoid bloodier conflict.  Foreign policy dictates foreign relations.  If we choose to sit behind our fortress walls and let the world burn, we can't complain when the world eventually burns us. 

    Conflict in the Middle East has existed for millennia, long before Christianity ever set foot on the sand.  The Arab Caliphates in the 7th century, fueled by the rise of Islam, conquered all of the Middle East, most of Northern Africa, and parts of Spain and Southern France.  The only thing that stopped the further expansion of the Arab Empire was the resistance by the Christian Byzantine Empire.  In the 11th century, the Turks rolled through Persia, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, and the area around Jordan and assumed control.  In the middle of this expansion, the Crusades were being fought to take control of Jerusalem.  The reason I mention history is because it has this nasty habit of repeating itself.  Our leaders seem to forget this or at least do not concern themselves with it.  Much like the Muslim leader Saladin who led his army against the might of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Islamic State and Al Qaida, and its various branches, need only a charismatic leader who can unite them and coordinate them.  If all of the Islamic terrorist groups united under one cohesive banner, they would rival most national militaries.  The walls of Jerusalem were thought to be invincible, much like the shores of America (except maybe the Southern border), until the army of Saladin came in and sent the Crusaders packing.  We have to either take the fight to the terrorists, boots on the ground and all, or be ready when the "walls of Jerusalem" are breached by the forces of jihad.

- C.J. Johnston






Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Police Violence" and why it isn't.

    There are two common factors in the recent police-induced fatalities that have been flooding TV screens worldwide.  The deceased are black and they all did something to get themselves killed.  Before I get into explaining what I mean, I want to clarify that these men and boys dying is a sad thing.  I won't go as far as some in the media to call it a "tragedy", because I view 9/11 as a tragedy and I think lumping them together is an insult to the victims of 9/11.  Some would say " But people died in both events".  True...but the 9/11 victims offered no provocation for their untimely demise.  In the current "police violence" cases, all three victims I'm going to discuss ultimately brought it upon themselves.

    First up, Michael Brown.  There has been enough evidence, forensic and eyewitness, to determine that Officer Wilson's testimony is closest to what most likely happened.  Mr. Brown's death sparked the "hands up don't shoot" movement, even though he didn't perform the same maneuver as his advocates when it mattered.  If he had, he would probably still be walking around to tell the tale.  Actually, no, he would have been in jail for knocking over a liquor store.  I've heard plenty of TV talking heads asking "Did this young man deserve to die?".  Nobody deserves to die.  But if you do something that you know might get you killed can anyone really be that upset when you keel over.  Trying to beat up a cop and take his gun is one of those things that might get you killed.  Sucks for his parents, but the police aren't to blame.  A little more education at home on things that might get you killed may have prevented this death.

    Second, Eric Garner.  There is nothing, absolutely nothing, here that Officer Pantaleo should be apologizing for.  Mr. Garner was being arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes.  Whether he actually committed the crime or not is irrelevant.  Cops are not there to prosecute cases and determine guilt or innocence.  They are there to enforce the law in the most expeditious manner possible.  They don't know this guy.  All they see is someone they are supposed to place under arrest and they try to do that without putting themselves or the public in danger.  If Mr. Garner had left the explaining for the court room and simply laid down on the sidewalk and allowed himself to be arrested, he would be able to file suit against the NYPD for wrongful arrest.  However, he resisted and had to be taken down.  The "I can't breathe" mantra circulating around this case is, much like " hands up, don't shoot", irrelevant.  The reason being that by saying "I can't breathe" 11 times, it clearly indicated that he could breathe.  The act of speaking is proof of an airway that can pass air to and from the lungs, also known as breathing.  Also, after the choke was released he was still speaking.  Therefore, the choke that Officer Pantaleo administered did not kill him.
    Now, let's pretend the cops did release him because he "couldn't breathe", but instead of being a father of 6 and docile he turned out to be a violent criminal with a knife and gun.  The cops loosen the hold and he breaks free, kills two of the cops and a bystander before being gunned down himself.  This is just speculation obviously, but that is the assumption these cops have to go with when making an arrest.  They didn't know anything about Eric Garner.  They didn't know his medical history.  They saw a very large man that could potentially overpower them and cause harm.  When they were trying to secure his hands, he told them "Don't touch me." and pulled his hands away.  This is called resisting arrest.  Had he simply turned around and cooperated there would have been no need to subdue.  Again, a little tolerance and better decision making on the part of the "victim", and no death would occur.
    Third, Tamir Rice.  This is obviously the most sensitive and the saddest of the three incidents because of the age of the deceased.  However, I write objectively so forgive me if I seem a little cold in regards to the death of a 12 year old.  I won't lay blame on young Mr. Rice solely, because most of the blame belongs to the parents.  The airsoft gun he was carrying normally has a orange safety tip to identify to both citizens and police that this is a toy, not a real gun.  In Tamir's case, this safety tip was not present.  As a parent, I know what toys my kids are taking outside.  I will either allow them to take it outside or tell them that it is not ok to take it out.  That "toy" gun looked incredibly real.  I had to double-take when I first saw the picture of it, just to make sure.  I would not have allowed my children to take that outside...ever.  They don't even own toys like that for precisely this reason. 
    Next parental snafu:  Who taught this kid how to interact with police officers?!  The cops roll up, on the grass...not the road, right towards him.  There is no audio with the video, but reports say that he failed to obey orders and went for the gun.  Who reaches for anything inside their pants when dealing with the cops?  People who want to get shot, that's who.  The gun looked real enough for me, an avid shooter, to do a double take.  In the heat of the moment I would have shot the kid too.  A rookie cop can't be blamed for doing EXACTLY what he was trained to do.  He didn't unload his magazine.  He fired two shots, reassessed, and radioed it in.  While the death of young Tamir is indeed sad, it was entirely preventable and I don't mean from the police side.  Had his parents concerned themselves with what toys their son was taking outside and had an in depth discussion on how to handle encounters with cops, their son would be playing outside today.  Just like the Eric Garner incident, the police did not know Tamir Rice.  They didn't know how old he was or what games he liked to play.  They responded to the scene of a potential crime with the worst case scenario in mind, because that mindset saves the lives of cops and civilians. 
    Please America, stop letting the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons of the world trick you into thinking this is a racist/black targeting epidemic.  It isn't in the slightest.  This is just cops doing their jobs.  People died and that is sad, but it will be even sadder when the cops decide that their career and their livelihood aren't worth putting at risk to help you when you need it.  There will come a point when a white cop will see a black man committing a crime and will do NOTHING  about it because he doesn't want to be the next Darren Wilson or Daniel Pantaleo.  He will watch you get beaten, shot, mugged, robbed, or killed and he will keep driving because that is what America has told him to do.  Do your job the way we trained you and get punished for it.  That is the message we are sending to the police forces of Missouri, New York, and the rest of America.  Ask yourself this:  Are the beloved "Reverends", Farrakhan, or any of the other race baiters calling for blood going to come save you when you are the victim of a crime?  Will they be willing to kill the killer, if necessary, to ensure your safety; so you don't have to deal with the guilt and heaviness of taking a human life?  The answer is "NO".  They will stir up a hornets' nest, champion a "cause", spew rhetoric and incendiary remarks...and then they will go home.  They will go make speeches and attend fundraisers, but they won't truly be there for you.  The picture below is the "race relations" between white cops and black citizens they don't want to show you.  Wake up America.

-C.J. Johnston