Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lone Wolf Proclaimers are Sheep

The media is all abuzz with reports of "lone wolf" terrorist attacks.  These are attacks that are supposedly organized and carried out by individuals, as opposed to large scale, multi-member group attacks.  Some recent examples are the hostage crisis in Sydney, Australia, the NY hatchet attack, and the Canada Parliament shooting.  Some say that these attacks aren't associated with any particular terrorist group; that these attacks are perpetrated by self-radicalized extremists.  However, all of these attacks share a common denominator.  The recent attacks are all committed by Muslims.

I am not trying to paint every Muslim as a terrorist waiting for an opportunity, but the fact is that these acts of violence have been committed in the name of Allah, in support of ISIS, to support the jihad, etc.  This spike in lone wolf attacks follows social media posts from ISIS leaders calling for more attacks on US and allied military personnel and civilians.  So the question is why are so many politicians, like Australia's PM Tony Abbot, so reticent to call this what it is?  It is ISIS directed Islamic terrorism.  The terrorist in Sydney held up an ISIS flag in the window of the shop.  Yet Mr. Abbot wants to say that the attack, and ISIS for that matter, has nothing to do with any religion.  According to the PM, ISIS and the hostage taker are just sick individuals doing sick things.  These types of "head in the sand" politicians are the reason we are seeing these lone wolf attacks on our shores.

Politicians who are more concerned with not ruffling any feathers instead of national security.  Political correctness and lackluster foreign policy are the greatest threats to the free world.  They allows groups like ISIS to grow to numbers in the upwards of 31,000 fighters, according to CIA estimates in September.  This large following has only bolstered their reputation and made them that much more influential.  Allowing them to continue to grow by refusing to put boots on the ground to eradicate the threat only emboldens them in their actions.  These actions include beheadings of civilians (both foreign and domestic), public mass executions, brainwashing and torture of children, and encouraging foreign Muslims to join the fight by killing any non-Muslim they see.  We have given them the power of influence by doing nothing. 

There are approximately 2.7 million Muslims in the US.  They are not all terrorists.  I've worked with some and they are great people.  Some of them serve in the military fighting against those who are giving their religion a bad name.  However, some of them do not love the United States.  Some see the videos of ISIS and are moved by what they see and here.  These people take action and innocent people die.  If only .25%, a quarter of 1 percent, of Muslims in America decided to "radicalize", they would number approximately 6,750.  Thus far, we have only seen basic attacks using small arms and melee weapons.  Even using these tactics, 6,750 attacks in this manner would be devastating.  How about if they learned to make explosives from the English-language ISIS publication Inspire?  What would be the effect of 6,750 Boston Marathon bombings? 

"Peace through strength" is an ancient phrase and idea that has been promoted by great leaders throughout history.  One such leader is Ronald Reagan.  He understood that to deter attacks on Americans and American soil, the courage and ability to destroy those who would do us harm was needed.  Teddy Roosevelt coined a similar phrase; "Speak softly and carry a big stick."  This meant that we would negotiate peacefully, but it was always known that the "big stick" of the military was there should anyone get out of line.  These policies protected the United States and solidified our influence in the world.  Unfortunately, our current leadership has whittled the big stick into a toothpick and adopted the peace through pandering approach.  Until we reassume the policies that kept us strong and safe and stop tiptoeing around going to where the bad guys are, this pack of "lone wolves" will continue circling the flock of sheep while the O-shepherd is playing golf.

-C.J. Johnston            

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought, but it occurs to me that the only way to stop Jihad (other than nuking Mecca) is for the Muslim community to rise up and reclaim Islam from the radicals by force. Can you imagine the reaction by the Southern Baptist Convention if some primitive baptists sect went rogue and started suicide bombing the Methodists - the self policing would take place immediately without apology. Either handcuffed miscreants or carcasses would be found at the local police station within 48 hours with the problem solved.
